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Post Thumb: /aug13/afraid-of-the-dark-s.jpg For the past few months we’ve been keeping you up-to-date with info on the upcoming play Afraid…
Post Thumb: /aug13/delusion-s.jpg As a die-hard haunted attraction junkie, I’ve attested many times that the most incredible experienced I’ve ever…
Post Thumb: /aug13/afraid-of-the-dark-s.jpg London is gearing up to explore your deepest darkest fears, live on stage, in the upcoming play…
Post Thumb: /stock/horror-theatre.jpg London is gearing up to explore your deepest darkest fears, live on stage, in the upcoming play…
Post Thumb: /jul12/jp.jpg It seems like you’ve got every type of entertainment imaginable at Comic-Con in San Diego this week,…
Post Thumb: /jun13/afraid-of-the-dark-s.jpg Here we are, kids! Yet another reason why we’re green with envy of our brothers and sisters…
Source Name: The Transfer Theatre Group Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar13/carrie-musicals.jpg The City of Angels will be getting itself…
Post Thumb: /mar13/king-kong.jpg Melbourne, Australia will be the home to an amazing upcoming production of King Kong and this one…
Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /nov12/pans.jpg Pan’s Labyrinth being retooled as a musical for the stage? Yes,…
Post Thumb: /oct12/dstages.jpg The Leicester Square Theatre in Central London will be the location for the newest resurrection of Dracula…
Source Name: Variety Source Url:|News|LatestNews Post Thumb: /sep12/misery.jpg Even though Carrie didn’t work, that’s not stopping anyone from adapting…