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On tap right now we have every single thing you could imagine for Edward Evers-Swindell’s new film Dark Signal! We’re…

Rejoice, Locke & Key fans! The news you’ve been wanting forever has now come. There’s been talk about an adaptation…

XLrator Media, IndustryWorks Studios and Motorcycle Boy Productions will release the supernatural thriller/horror Residue on VOD and iTunes July 18,…

Hallelujah! For many, many years people have been talking about the BBC program “Ghostwatch,” which upon airing caused quite a…

For many, many years the corpse in “The Drop of Water” segment of the classic anthology Black Sabbath has haunted…

You know what we love around these parts? A new Edgar Allan Poe adaptation. So we’re glad to announce that…

Today marks the arrival of the Scandinavian noir mystery series “Jordskott” on Shudder. At first glance, it’s a simple story…

On May 16th Breaking Glass Pictures is releasing the zombie action flick Breakdown Lane on DVD and VOD, which means…

Out on DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital HD today is Mike Mendez’s new flick starring Dolph Lundgren, Don’t Kill It (reviews…