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Like the seminal 1990s slasher Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer is getting a 21st Century reboot in…

Adolescence can be hell, which goes a long way towards explaining why so many horror movies feature teens and young…

With their new take on John Carpenter’s Halloween headed our way this, you know, Halloween, there has been word around…

In the same year that I Know What You Did Last Summer was released, a scandalous news story rocked the…

Looks like Scream scribe Kevin Williamson is about to be back in a big way. Today Deadline is reporting that…

Beginning in the 1970’s and throughout the 1980’s, the horror genre was graced with some of, if not the, best…

It’s almost summer… that time when we look at ourselves in the mirror and scream in horror as we think of…

Ari Drew chats with horror director Mike Flanagan and actress Kate Siegel about their new thriller HUSH and Flanagan's upcoming…

All aboard, kids! The Hollywood remake machine is chugging along at full speed, and when it stops, it will bring…