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Following up on this morning’s news, Dread Central has learned exclusively that Camille Keaton, who played Jennifer in Meir Zarchi’s…

Post Thumb: /aug13/i-spit-on-your-grave-2-s.jpg I Spit on Your Grave 2 has arrived on Blu-ray and DVD and if you needed a…

Post Thumb: /aug13/i-spit-on-your-grave-2-s.jpg A new clip for I Spit on Your Grave 2 has arrived, and as always we have…

Post Thumb: /aug13/i-spit-on-your-grave-2-s.jpg The fourth and final trailer for I Spit on Your Grave 2 has arrived, and as always…

Post Thumb: /aug13/i-spit-on-your-grave-2-s.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/ispitonyourgrave/ispitonyourgrave2_1x’, ‘/gallery/ispitonyourgrave/ispitonyourgrave2_2x’, ‘/gallery/ispitonyourgrave/ispitonyourgrave2_3x’, ‘/gallery/ispitonyourgrave/ispitonyourgrave2_4x’, ‘/gallery/ispitonyourgrave/ispitonyourgrave2_5x’, ‘/gallery/ispitonyourgrave/ispitonyourgrave2_6x’, ‘/gallery/ispitonyourgrave/ispitonyourgrave2_7x’, More images from the much reviled I Spit…

Post Thumb: /aug13/i-spit-on-your-grave-2-s.jpg The much reviled I Spit on Your Grave 2 is hitting DVD and Blu-ray in the UK,…

Post Thumb: /jun13/film4.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_2x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_1x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_3x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_4x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_5x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_6x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_7x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_8x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_9x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_10x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_11x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_12x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_13x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_14x’, ‘/gallery/frightfest/frifest13_15x’,…

Cover art: reviews/ispit2.jpg Starring Jemma Dallender, Joe Absolom, Yavor Baharov Directed by Steven R. Monroe Considering the original remake of…

Post Thumb: /aug13/i-spit-on-your-grave-2-s.jpg We managed to check out an early screening of I Spit On Your Grave 2 while in…

Cover art: reviews/ispit2.jpg Starring Jemma Dallender, Joe Absolom, Yavor Baharov Directed by Steven R. Monroe In 2010 director Steven R.…

Post Thumb: /aug13/i-spit-on-your-grave-2-s.jpg Anchor Bay and CineTel Films have released the third trailer for the rape ‘n revenge flick I…