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Uncategorized August 25, 2008
In case you’ve forgotten, the first issue of famed artist/author Ben Templesmith’s newest comic series
Uncategorized August 15, 2008
Not content to rest on his directorial laurels, David (Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night) Slade has created something called…
Uncategorized August 12, 2008
Author Joe Hill (
Uncategorized July 30, 2008
IDW Publishing announced a huge slate of new titles during Comic Con, and thankfully they were kind enough to send…
Uncategorized July 18, 2008
With Butane up in the Great White North at Fantasia, it fell to me to let you guys know about…
Uncategorized June 30, 2008
Our final winner is the brainchild of Justin Dunnuck, who submitted quite a number of really cool entries, all of…
Uncategorized June 23, 2008
This week’s winner is … we don’t know! Yup, the lucky fiend who got selected wished to stay anonymous. All…
Uncategorized June 17, 2008
After taking much-deserved a week off, Stephen Romano has chosen a new winner in our ongoing Shock Festival contest, and…
Uncategorized June 10, 2008
Hey there fiends, just wanted to give you a quick heads up regarding our Shock Festival contest. Artist Stephen Romano…
Uncategorized May 26, 2008
Mr. Stephen Romano just sent us over this week’s winner in our ongoing Shock Festival contest. The man’s name is…
Uncategorized May 23, 2008
Well it’s taken a bit longer than we expected, but I think the end result is worth it, no? Yes!…
Uncategorized May 23, 2008
With our Shock Festival contest kicking a major amount of ass, it’s been hard for psycho-genius Stephen Romano to pick…