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Post Thumb: /mar13/contracted-posters.jpg Ever since I received a promotional Contracted condom in the mail, my interest has been piqued. It…

Post Thumb: /aug12/haunts.jpg Mac Carter’s upcoming spookfest Haunt found itself a home at IFC Midnight, which is getting set to…

Post Thumb: /mar13/contracted-posters.jpg A second trailer for Eric England’s Contracted has hit the interwebs, and we really need to see…

Post Thumb: /mar13/contracted-posters.jpg A new poster for Eric England’s Contracted has hit the interwebs, and it’s absolutely NASTY! Look for…

Cover art: reviews/maniac-blu-ray-s.jpg Starring Elijah Wood, Nora Arnezeder, Genevieve Alexandra, Megan Duffy, America Olivo Directed by Franck Khalfoun Distributed by…

Post Thumb: /may12/maniacs.jpg With Maniac hitting home video, there’s some great news breaking for collectors of VHS! That’s right, kids!…

Post Thumb: /may12/maniacs.jpg One of the best damned movies of the year, horror or not, Maniac is hitting home video…

Post Thumb: /oct13/raze-poster-s.jpg Another new one-sheet for Raze has arrived featuring a completely enraged and bloodied Zoe Bell. We’d so…

Post Thumb: /jul13/haunter-poster-s.jpg The first clip from the upcoming spooker from Vincenzo Natali, entitled

Post Thumb: /sep13/dark-touch-poster-s.jpg A new one-sheet has arrived for IFC Midnight and SundanceNow’s latest release, Dark Touch, and even though…