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July 14, 2015
3 Hours Till Dead is an interesting new zombie film about a soldier who returns home only to find that…
July 3, 2015
Endor is a creepy new horror movie set in the American Heartland. Dread Central recently caught up with director Andrew…
June 24, 2015
Starring Nick Jandl, Bethany Pollock, Ben Samuels Directed by Ben Samuels To offer something outstanding in your first directorial foray…
June 22, 2015
We told you a few weeks ago that Raven Banner Entertainment landed worldwide sales rights to Yam Laranas’ (The Road)…
June 22, 2015
Gotta say, Countrycide is probably my favorite title of a film I’ve seen in quite some time. If only because…
June 17, 2015
It’s hard to make an original slasher movie in this day and age but British filmmaker David Ryan Keith sure…
June 12, 2015
OMG! We’ve got some news for you! KK? Don’t you dare go AFK because you’ll be SRY! Read on for…
June 10, 2015
Starring Alan MacKenzie, Dan Baker-Moor, Heather Russell Directed by Kevin Doherty I wonder if Spielberg ever had these issues? Imagine…
June 9, 2015
On tap right now we have an exclusive clip from The Redwood Massacre to help you start off your day…
June 5, 2015
Starring Kristin Avery, Lexi Balestrieri, Christine Bell Directed by Sean Donohue and Christopher Leto When ANY filmmaker attempts a “throwback…
June 4, 2015
Another sliver of indie goodness of the revenge variety is on its way entitled Wronged, and right now we have…
June 4, 2015
Michael Effenberger of Matador Films just wrote in with the first trailer for his indie found footage flick Seekers so…