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April 6, 2021
Erica, originally released on the PlayStation 4 as an exclusive, will be coming to Steam this May according to developer…
October 31, 2016
You just never know where your favorite horror icons are gonna show up. Case in point, “Family Guy” and it’s…
December 17, 2015
Developed by Arai Koh Create Office Published by YOX-Project Available for PC through Steam (reviewed), iOS, Android and Kindle Fire…
March 2, 2015
The days are ticking away to the release of Mortal Kombat X, and there have been rumors of horror characters…
November 3, 2014
If you’re a fan of the spooky digital ghost story Haunting Melissa and have been anxiously awaiting its sequel, Dark…
July 9, 2014
Post Thumb: /nov13/sharknado-2-art-s.jpg The stampede of B-movie glory that is Sharknado stampedes on as the schlock masterpiece expands into the…
July 2, 2014
Post Thumb: /jul14/witcher-battle-arena.jpg The countdown to late February and the release of The Witcher 3 is on. I know it’s…
Uncategorized March 6, 2014
Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/twdlogo.jpg After already spawning several video games, “The Walking Dead”…
Uncategorized November 4, 2013
Post Thumb: /may11/chucky.jpg Hey, friends to the end! It’s time for you to pick up your mobile devices and rampage…
Uncategorized October 31, 2013
Post Thumb: /oct13/7th-guest-3-the-collector-s.jpg If Kickstarter exists for one reason, it’s video games. The crowd-sourcing website has given indie developers the…
Uncategorized October 23, 2013
Post Thumb: /oct13/the-hunting-s.jpg A few months back we told you about an interactive app called The Hunting, which makes YOU…
Uncategorized October 18, 2013
Post Thumb: /stock/happyhalloween.jpg It may not take a rocket scientist to put together a cool Halloween costume. But what would…