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In 2010 Warm Bodies, a book with a new kind of zombie, hit store shelves. It quickly became a bestseller…

Written by Isaac Marion Published by Atria Books The Burning World by Isaac Marion is the much-anticipated sequel to the critically…

One of this writer’s favorite films of 2013 was Warm Bodies, based on the novel of the same name by…

Post Thumb: /oct12/warmbs.jpg Our verdict is in on this weekend’s zom-rom-com offering from Summit Entertainment, Warm Bodies. Read on to…

Cover art: reviews/wbodiess.jpg Starring Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry, John Malkovich, Dave Franco Directed by Jonathan Levine The newest…

Post Thumb: /oct12/warmbs.jpg Need something to warm you up for this weekend’s Warm Bodies? Good! We have several video interview…

Post Thumb: /oct12/warmbs.jpg Time for some movie magic, kids, as we go behind the scenes of this weekend’s clever looking…

Post Thumb: /oct12/warmbs.jpg On Friday, February 1st, Summit Entertainment is releasing its feature film adaptation of Isaac Marion’s wonderfully clever…

Post Thumb: /oct12/warmbs.jpg Another TV spot has arrived for Summit Entertainment’s Warm Bodies, which opens this Friday, February 1st, in…