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Given the popularity of “The Walking Dead,” we’ve seen a LOT of parodies… for better or worse. This one, however……

We all know that dragons are the coolest fictional creations ever, and now it seems that they may not be…

It doesn’t look likely that we’ll be seeing a new official crossover featuring iconic slasher killers anytime soon, but YouTuber…

Hollywood became a reality this week when a venomous green viper was let loose on a passenger flight in the…

The Italians sure love there horror, it would appear. Some street artists in Milan decided to take it upon themselves…

The Japanese sure love Godzilla. Well, so do all of us, but being his country of origin, they’ll always have…

In light of recent events, it’s about damn time we had something other than clowns going around scaring people. Although…

If you’re not caught up on “The Walking Dead,” then please skip this story altogether. Go ahead… we’ll wait. There…

Big thanks to DC reader Byron M. for sending over a link to the following YouTube video that features all…

Horror’s biggest holiday has arrived in grand fashion, and it’s officially time to celebrate as we near the end of…

Halloween is now just ONE DAY away, and DUST, a recently launched multi-platform destination for horror/sci-fi filmmakers and fans, is…