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Ever since it was revealed that 10 Cloverfield Lane took place in the same universe as 2008’s Cloverfield, fans are…

I love horror-infused FPS games. Sure, 3rd person survival horror is amazing in its own way but there’s something about…

Salem’s Lot, Needful Things, Cujo, The Dark Half, Gerald’s Game, Creepshow, The Shawshank Redemption, Misery, Doctor Sleep, It, Sleepwalkers, The…

Nazis are the ultimate bad guys. We love to see them get their comeuppance, whether it be in video games…

Many years before 10 Cloverfield Lane, now available for digital purchase, we were introduced to the J.J. Abrams-produced universe courtesy…

You know you’re in store for quality when a project has the name J.J. Abrams attached to it, which is…

Director J.J. Abrams has a new flick coming out called God Particle, and it’s already attracting a wonderful cast. According…

One of the highlights of this year’s SXSW Film Festival is without question the screening of the new 4K restoration…

While promoting 10 Cloverfield Lane, J.J. Abrams confirmed to IGN that the two film adaptations of Valve video games Portal…

With 10 Cloverfield Lane hitting theatres tomorrow, Paramount is piling on the TV spots and we have each and every…