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Post Thumb: /feb14/fractured-poster-s.jpg You’ve got to love the fact that the press junket for Adam Gierasch’s latest extreme horror film…

Cover art: reviews/fractured-s.jpg Starring Callum Blue, Vinnie Jones, Ashlynn Yennie, Nicole LaLiberte, John Eyez Directed by Adam Gierasch Originally entitled…

Post Thumb: /feb14/fractured-poster-s.jpg The filmmaking duo of Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson follow up flicks like Night of the Demons…

Post Thumb: /feb14/fractured-poster-s.jpg Release news finally has come in regarding the latest film from Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson entitled…

Post Thumb: /feb14/fractured-poster-s.jpg Some quick news has come in regarding the latest film from Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson entitled…

Post Thumb: /jun13/schism-one-sheet-s.jpg Word out of Screamfest LA is that Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson’s new flick Schism is completely…

Post Thumb: /jun13/schism-one-sheet-s.jpg Playing as part of this month’s Screamfest LA (October 12 at 7:30 PM) is the new flick…

Post Thumb: /jun13/schism-one-sheet-s.jpg Playing as part of October’s Los Angeles Screamfest (October 12 at 7:30 PM) is the new flick…

Post Thumb: /jun13/schism-one-sheet-s.jpg Playing as part of October’s Los Angeles Screamfest (October 12 at 7:30 PM) is the new flick…

Post Thumb: /jun13/schism-one-sheet-s.jpg The international sales one-sheet for Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson’s new flick Schism has arrived, and it’s…

Post Thumb: /oct11/ag.jpg The first images from Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson’s new flick Schism are here, and just as…