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Uncategorized May 8, 2009
In anticipation of its June 12th release, the final theatrical trailer is now live for Jake West’s latest feature, Doghouse!…
Uncategorized May 4, 2009
Jake West’s 2005 film
Uncategorized March 9, 2009
Jake West’s upcoming cannibal flick, Doghouse has got a brand new revamped website for you guys to check out full…
Uncategorized March 4, 2009
After months of not hearing much about Jake (
Uncategorized September 16, 2008
An early trailer for Jake West’s latest horror outing,
Uncategorized August 4, 2008
Man, it’s been a long time since we’ve made mentioned of Jake (Evil Aliens West’s next flick, Doghouse. Months, in…
Uncategorized June 24, 2008
Rockworld.TV is currently hosting a new video where director Jake West updates us on the production of his new horror/comedy…
Uncategorized December 9, 2007
Haven’t heard much from Jake (Evil Aliens) West in a while. Last we heard he was prepping his latest film,…
Uncategorized September 9, 2007
With Toronto’s Midnight Madness in full swing (Diary of the Dead debuted there last night, sigh), festival organizers have decide…
Uncategorized July 23, 2007
Jake West is finally moving on to his next project, after his Pumpkinhead sequel failed to do much of anything…
June 7, 2005
Staring Chris (The Last Horror Movie) Adamson, Emily (Cradle of Fear) Booth, Sam Butler, Jennifer Evans Directed by Jake West…