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Post Thumb: /aug12/ahsas.jpg The newest teaser video for “American Horror Story: Asylum” has landed online, and it comes with a…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ahsas.jpg The third in a series of promotional videos for “American Horror Story: Asylum” is here, and it…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ahsas.jpg I have three irrational fears: bugs, heights, and nuns. That being said, if a nun boards a…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ahsas.jpg Finally the first bit of promotional video material has come forth for the highly anticipated “American Horror…

Source Name: TVLine Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg Well, not in the literal sense, but man, do we love…

Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg More casting news has come in for the highly anticipated…

Source Name: TVLine Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg Series creator Ryan Murphy continues to lift the veil on what…

Source Name: New York Magazine’s Vulture Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg Series creator Ryan Murphy has spilled a good…