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Post Thumb: /dec12/ends.jpg The apocalypse is speeding at us like all four angry horsemen, and to celebrate, we have six…

Post Thumb: /dec12/ends.jpg We’ve already seen several trailers, a few clips, and big batches of stills from The Is the…

Post Thumb: /dec12/ends.jpg If you thought you were excited to see This Is the End before, just wait until you’ve…

Post Thumb: /dec12/ends.jpg When the world is drawing to a close you really need to prepare if possible. That’s exactly…

Post Thumb: /dec12/ends.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend1x’, ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend2x’, ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend3x’, ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend4x’, ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend5x’, ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend6x’, ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend7x’, ‘/gallery/thisistheend/thisistheend8x’ Pack ’em if ya got ’em, people!…

Post Thumb: /dec12/ends.jpg As a bona fide card carrying member of the zombie army complete with full Romero authorized credentials,…

Post Thumb: /dec12/ends.jpg To say that we’re looking forward to the upcoming apocalypse horror comedy This Is the End is…

Post Thumb: /jan13/icemans.jpg Dressed sharply in a tight-fitting purple three-piece suit, Michael Shannon isn’t as intimidating as you might think.…

Post Thumb: /jan13/icemans.jpg One of the most well-known actresses of the past quarter-century, Winona Ryder pretty much just works when…

Cover art: reviews/iceman-s.jpg Starring Michael Shannon, Ray Liotta, Winona Ryder, James Franco, Chris Evans Directed by Ariel Vromen In Ariel…

Post Thumb: /jan13/icemans.jpg Looking a little tired but still eager to chat, Ray Liotta sat down with us recently at…