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Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… finally the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!…

In my review for the James Gunn-produced Brightburn, I declared that the film will be the bar that all future…

Starring Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, and Jackson A. Dunn Written by Brian Gunn and Mark Gunn Directed by David Yarovesky…

The James Gunn-produced superhero horror Brightburn isn’t an adaptation of a comic book or graphic novel, but it’s clearly inspired…

The hype surrounding the James Gunn-produced superhero horror Brightburn is red hot, and genre fans will finally get to see…

Brightburn hits theaters nationwide this Friday and horror fans are chomping at the bit for what could be the first…

One week from today, the superhero horror film Brightburn will be swooping into theaters. Produced by James Gunn (Slither, Guardians…

The premise of Brightburn, produced by James Gunn, seems pretty straight forward: What if Superman was a bad guy? What…

Two weeks from today sees the release of Brightburn, a horror/superhero hybrid that essentially asks, “What if Superman were evil?”…

A couple of days ago, we shared a red-band, three-minute clip from the James Gunn-produced superhero horror movie Brightburn–and it…

Despite being promised an R-rated superhero adventure with horror undertones in Venom, Sony got cold feet, cut the most gruesome…