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Source Name: Paco Plaza’s Rec 3 Blog Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/rec3btss.jpg The web truly is a wonderful thing.…

After a barrage of fake posters, something official has finally come our way regarding the third film in Jaume Balaguero…

Let’s see. Thus far we’ve been treated to a slew of fake posters for [REC] Genesis. Wouldn’t it be nice…

The first official one-sheet for [REC] Genesis has arrived, and for whatever reason it reminds us more of the Resident…

Yes. We know that [REC] Genesis is the third film in the franchise. So why is there a Russian one-sheet…

The international trailer debut of Jaume Balaguero’s latest horror flick, Sleep Tight, aka Mientras Duermes, has found its way online…

The first new cast members to hop aboard the unlikely yet totally kick-ass [REC] franchise have been named, and you…

Finally after months of rocking semi-centered slightly blurry looks at the teaser posters for both [REC]: Genesis and [REC]: Apocalypse…

The [REC] franchise is quickly becoming one of the most beloved amongst the fanbase, particularly because of the no holds…

Reviewed by Gareth Jones Directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza Starring Jonathan Mellor, Manuela Velasco, Óscar Zafra, Ariel Casas,…