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Post Thumb: /sep13/supernaturals.jpg We’ve been waiting a long while (since last summer’s San Diego Comic-Con, when we first heard about…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg One thing we’ve learned about the Winchesters over our many years of watching “Supernatural” is that for…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg When we posted the preview of “Supernatural” Ep. 9.18, “Meta Fiction,” yesterday, the synopsis wasn’t available, but…

Post Thumb: /sep13/supernaturals.jpg “Supernatural” is heading off on spring break until April 15th, and to tide you over until the…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg Is the power from The First Blade more than Dean can bear? Check out this clip from…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg In the Stones song “Mother’s Little Helper,” Mick sings, “Things are different today,” and they’re definitely different…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg “Supernatural” is a repeat tonight so to make sure we don’t miss the Winchesters too much, The…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg Misha Collins, aka Castiel, directed the upcoming Episode 9.17 of “Supernatural,” entitled “Mother’s Little Helper,” and The…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg “Supernatural” takes a break next week, airing a rerun, but the show returns on March 18th with…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg The Ghostfacers try to stand up to the Winchesters in this sneak peek of “Supernatural” Episode 9.15,…

Post Thumb: /oct13/supernatural9thumb.jpg We were happy to see “Supernatural” return to the airwaves tonight, and we’re already looking ahead to…