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Post Thumb: /jun13/stage-fright-art-s.jpg Hot on the heels of the one-sheet debut for the new film from Legend of Beaver Dam…

Post Thumb: /jun13/stage-fright-art-s.jpg The new film from Legend of Beaver Dam director Jerome Sable, entitled Stage Fright, is making its…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun13/stage-fright-art-s.jpg The new film from Legend of Beaver Dam director…

Post Thumb: /jun13/stage-fright-art-s.jpg It’s been awhile since last there was anything to report regarding the new film from Legend of…

Source Name: The Wrap Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/minniedriver.jpg Most actors would run the opposite way at the thought…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/news.jpg If you’ve never seen the tremendous short film The…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/meatloaf.jpg Meat Loaf. The enigma who’s brought killer tigers to horror movies…

When we find something fresh and unique here at Dread Central, we don’t scrimp on letting our readers know about…

Reviewed by Serena Whitney Starring L.J. Benet, Seán Cullen, Rick Miller, Kailey Swanson, Michael Cheyovich, Joe Caprielian, Dylan Boyack, Megan…