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Even though Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming grindhouse-style flick Machete is centered on the ass-kicking character played by Danny Trejo, the writer/director…

You want the red stuff? You’ve got the red stuff! If this latest red band trailer doesn’t get you pumped…

Even though Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming grindhouse-style flick Machete is centered on the ass-kicking character played by Danny Trejo, the writer/director…

Craving some more Machete action? You know you are! And we’ve got your hot ticket to a little slice-and-dice-themed mayhem…

As you may guess from its title, Machete is a violent film. In fact, it’s very violent. The clips that…

Some fans argue that a lot of the more entertaining parts of the Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino Grindhouse double feature released…

Finally a new clip from Machete has surfaced online featuring something other than food or people eating. That is, unless…

Live in or around Austin, Texas, and just can’t wait for the September 3rd release date of Robert Rodriguez’s Machete?…

The third clip from Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming decapitation-polooza known as Machete has slinked online and it features Jessica Alba and…

Two new clips from the Robert Rodriguez flick Machete have just debuted online, and one of them showcases Danny Trejo…

Time for a second international poster for the ever so controversial new flick The Killer Inside Me. This one comes…