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Source Name: “True Blood” on Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/tblips.jpg Looking for something to light up your 4th…

Post Thumb: /may11/tblips.jpg Hey, Fangbangers! Though the season premiere is still a couple of weeks away, we now have the…

Source Name: HBO GO Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/tblips.jpg Six minutes from the opening episode of “True Blood” Season…

Source Name: TVLine Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/tblips.jpg Still going through “True Blood” withdrawal even though the Season Four…

Source Name: “True Blood” YouTube Channel Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/tblips.jpg Hardly a day passes lately in which we…

Source Name: ZAP2it Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/tbcolorthumb.jpg Nothing says “horror” quite like using a color palette comprised of…

Source Name: “True Blood” on HBO Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/tblips.jpg After months of waiting (which still sucks, by…

The cast of HBO’s “True Blood” just got even better looking with the addition of Daniel Buran as Raoul, the…

Last season of the HBO phenomenon known as “True Blood” ended on a bit of an unsatisfactory note that had…

HBO’s hit series “True Blood” just wrapped up its third season, and it’s hotter than ever, despite its timid season…

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