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Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg So today in the mail we got a large box. Inside was a VCR wrapped in blood-stained…

Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs1x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs2x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs3x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs4x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs5x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs6x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs7x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs8x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs9x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs10x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs11x’ Who’s up for a…

Source Name: Apple Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg The official green band trailer for the long awaited Sundance sensation

Post Thumb: /jul12/proxythumb.jpg Zack Parker’s Scalene met with a great deal of acclaim so we’ve been looking forward to his…

Source Name: Yahoo! Movies Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg The official red band trailer for the long awaited Sundance…

Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg Finally some artwork has debuted for the long awaited Sundance sensation

Source Name: Screen Daily Source Url: Post Thumb: /feb12/vhss.jpg Good news for our friends in the UK looking to…

Source Name: Keith Calder on Twitter Source Url:!/keithcalder/status/168026275859005440/photo/1 Post Thumb: /stock/efm.jpg You just never know where news is going…

Source Name: Screen Daily Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/efm.jpg Even more good news for the filmmakers behind the anthology