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Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_1x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_2x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_3x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_4x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_5x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_6x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_7x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_8x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_9x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_10x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_11x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_12x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_13x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_14x’, ‘/gallery/sleepyhollow/sleepyhollow107_15x’…

Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg “Sleepy Hollow” has returned with a vengeance, and also back next week is guest star John Cho.…

Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg Fox has been rather stingy about releasing clips from the upcoming episode of “Sleepy Hollow,” but to…

Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg Ready for a few more clips from tonight’s Episode 1.02 of “Sleepy Hollow,” entitled “Blood Moon”? We…

Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg We haven’t heard much from you guys about your thoughts on “Sleepy Hollow” so far, but if…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug13/sleepy-hollow-s.jpg The new series “Sleepy Hollow” premiered this past Monday night to…

Source Name: TVLine Source Url: Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg Even at just one episode in, “Sleepy Hollow” has risen to…

Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg Despite a few naysayers, the overall consensus seems to be that Fox has a hit on its…

Source Name: TV by the Numbers Source Url: Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg So, were you among the 10+ million viewers…

Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg In just a couple of hours, “Sleepy Hollow” will be premiering on Fox, and to keep your…

Post Thumb: /may13/sleepyhollows.jpg While most of the horror TV shows aren’t premiering until October, Fox is first out of the…