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Uncategorized October 7, 2008
Ah ha! Finally it has happened — the inevitable casting of Burton regular Helena Bonham Carter in his latest film,
Uncategorized September 24, 2008
Oh, like we didn’t all guess this was going to happen the moment Tim Burton’s name was thrown into the…
Uncategorized June 2, 2008
It’s been almost a year since it was first announced that Johnny Depp was working on bringing the 1960’s supernatural…
March 27, 2008
Reviewed by Uncle Creepy Starring Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Edward Sanders, Timothy Spall, Jayne Wisener Directed by…
Uncategorized July 27, 2007
Know how you can tell when a project has staying power? When decades after its release people are still talking…
July 6, 2006
As I’m sure you know by now, Marilyn Manson is making a movie called Phantasmagoria. Personally I couldn’t be happier,…
September 15, 2005
Reviewed by Andrew Kasch Starring the voices of Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emliy Watson, Tracy Ulman Directed by Tim…