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Johnny Z is a zombie hunter, well-versed in martial arts, whose blood may contain a cure for the entire Apocalypse.…

At the beginning of the week, our own Jonathan Barkan shared the news that Jonathan Straiton’s STD horror film Night of Something…

Jonathan Straiton’s STD horror picture Night of Something Strange (review) will be hitting VOD platforms this Friday and there will…

Keeping with our “strange” theme of the last couple of stories comes word that Jonathan Straiton’s Night of Something Strange…

Starring Trey Harrison, Rebecca C. Kasek, Wayne W. Johnson, Michael Merchant, Toni Ann Gambale, Nicola Fiore Directed by Jonathan Straiton…

Death will come to New York when the new zombie movie Empire State of the Dead premieres in Syracuse on…

If you’re in the market for something really bloody, then give the official trailer for Night of Something Strange a…