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We love when clarification is given. It just makes everything seem a bit saner, ya know? It seems that

The success of Paranormal Activity was bound to change a lot of things. Who knew it would even lead to…

On Thursday, October 23rd, Heather Wixson (also known around these parts as “The Horror Chick”) was on hand for a…

We’re all suckers for great ghost stories. They come in very different varieties. Some are funny, some action packed, and…

Two words are on the lips of lots of horror fans this Halloween season and they’re not “remakes suck”, “PG13…

The final weekend box office numbers are in, and once again Paranormal Activity kicked a copious amount of ass, earning…

Now that you and 999,999 of your closest friends have demanded it, Paranormal Activity is opening wide this weekend, and…