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Remember waking up on Saturday mornings and running to the TV in your pajamas so you could spend the early…

We’re exactly three weeks away from the start of Son of Monsterpalooza 2017, and if you haven’t made your plans…

Let’s face it: the guy’s face has been in a literal mile-long list of projects, and every one of them…

Coming to home video on August 15th is Metropol Pictures’ Union Furnace, a horror thriller that features Keith David, of…

Metropol Pictures announced last week that they will be bringing the horror/thriller Union Furnace to home video formats (Blu-ray and…

Metropol Pictures has announced that they will be bringing the horror/thriller Union Furnace to home video formats (Blu-ray and DVD)…

The fall offshoot of the Monsterpalooza convention, Son of Monsterpalooza, once again takes over the Marriott Convention Center in Burbank,…

Director/co-writer Nicholas Bushman’s Union Furnace is hitting VOD later this month. To help get as many people excited about the…