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We make no bones about it around these parts. Kevin Smith is one of our favorite directors so we’re pretty…

Given that today is the day that religious fundamentalists plan to picket outside of Comic-Con, it almost seems poetic that…

Now that director Kevin Smith has secured funding for his next film, his long talked about first foray into horror,…

We’ve been talking about Kevin Smith’s horror project Red State for several years now, and through it all a lack…

We’ve been talking about Kevin Smith’s horror project Red State for several years now, and the sad truth is that…

It’s been a long while since we’ve heard anything about Kevin Smith’s proposed horror film entitled Red State. A while…

Kevin Smith is a determined man; you have to respect that. Even though he can’t seem to find anyone who…

Before you commit too much eyeball time to this story, just know there’s nothing new in terms of where Red…

Now this is just weird. Maybe The Weinsteins can’t see Kevin Smith as anything more than a comedy machine, but…

UPDATE: Buz turned our attention to Kevin Smith’s MySpace blog where he discusses not only his lost shot at directing…