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A while back we heard the somewhat crazy news that someone in the studio system thought it was a good…

In the past, we’ve heard that Kevin Smith (Clerks) was offered the remake of Toxic Avenger but turned it down, and…

If 2014’s horror comedy Wolfcop left you scratching and itching for more lupine absurdities, then crack open a cold one…

I don’t know about you, but I consider Kevin Smith to be one of my greatest inspirations. The man is…

I don’t know if you guys are aware or not but director Kevin Smith has a new horror anthology flick…

As strange as it may sound, I have not actually seen Troma’s The Toxic Avenger. I know, I know. Maybe…

It was just earlier today that we brought you guys The Dude Design’s the newest poster for writer-director Lowell Dean’s…

A trailer has arrived for Lowell Dean’s sequel Another WolfCop, which sees the return of the hairy law enforcement officer!…

The 1997 Spawn movie turns 20 in August, which means that we’ve been waiting nearly two entire decades for a…