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October 30, 2019
No, not that Annabelle. It’s the same thing I thought when I saw the name. Then I watched the trailer.…
October 15, 2019
Ted, Jesse, Christine, and Remy, discuss microtransactions and Wendy’s new advertising campaign. Remy gets really passionate about how much he…
October 3, 2019
Wow, a Kickstarter? In 2019? That’s almost enough to qualify a game as retro. This is more the age where…
September 12, 2019
Actress and producer Najarra Townsend is well-known and admired in the independent horror film community. She’s starred in films like…
February 28, 2019
Jim Ojala is a special effects makeup artist, director, and co-host of my new favorite show on Shudder, The Core,…
November 7, 2017
H.P. Lovecraft cooked up a lot of fictional books in his time, like the Book of Eibon and the Pnakotic…
May 31, 2017
Created in 1969 by Forrest J. Ackerman, Vampirella has become an icon of horror, a vampire superhero who has battled…
It is one of the most terrifying mysteries of the 21st century. So many grisly and unexplained elements that it…
July 29, 2016
We’re all for innovation and new and creative ways to tell stories, so the idea of using artificial intelligence to…
April 25, 2016
Some time ago we bought you news of the  game Ghost Theory, which has you exploring real-life haunted locations, and…
February 21, 2016
If you’re a fan of indie horror and find that you’ve got some spare change lying around, then below are…
January 22, 2016
Starring Edmund Kingsley, Jack Gordon, Josie Taylor, Joe Dixon, James Payton, Karen Bryson Directed by Anthony Woodley Distributed by Altitude…