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Post Thumb: /oct13/killer-klown-karnival-s.jpg I frigging fear clowns. So when horror personality Ted Venemann passed along news that he’s producing an…

Post Thumb: /stock/clown.jpg In Conor McMahon’s Stitches, acclaimed British comedian Ross Noble plays Stitches Grindle, a hard-drinking mess of a…

Post Thumb: /mar13/pg-13-horrors.jpg When The Last Exorcism was set to be released, horror fans took up arms to protest its…

Starring Grant Kramer, Suzanne Snyder, John Allen Nelson, John Vernon Directed by Stephen Chiodo Distributed by MGM Clowns. Ugh. Pasty…

Post Thumb: /stock/homevideo.jpg As reported previously, Fox is giving everyone one hell of a Halloween-themed present as they’re ready to…

Post Thumb: /stock/homevideo.jpg Alas, with this announcement we all just got a bit more broke. Come the fall 20th Century…

Post Thumb: /may11/bsidess.jpg Sometimes a great cheesy theme song is all it takes to elevate a b-movie to true cult…

Source Name: Freddy in Space Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun11/kk2s.jpg The 1988 cult favorite hit from Charles and Edward…