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A year before the Sharknado franchise sent the apex predators aloft, and several years before films like The Shallows and…

“Brennan Went to Film School” is a column that proves that horror has just as much to say about the…

Starring Kellan Lutz, Bingbing Li, Kelsey Grammar Directed by Kimble Rendall If it only weren’t for those friggin’ spiders. Kimble…

A new trailer for the upcoming deadly arachnid flick Nest 3D has spun its deadly web on the Internet, and…

Funnel spiders. Their name alone makes me kind of queasy. Coming out of the European Film Market are the first…

We learned back in September that Li Bingbing, one of China’s hottest actresses, will star in upcoming creature feature Nest,…

One of China’s hottest actresses, Li Bingbing has made a mark here in America with appearances in films like Resident…

Nature is preparing to once again run amok as Variety is reporting that Australia’s Kimble Rendall has set China-Australia co-production…

Source Name: Movie Hole Source Url: Post Thumb: /may13/deep-water-s.jpg The sequel to last year’s surprisingly good shark attack flick…

Post Thumb: /feb13/bait2s.jpg On tap right now for you cats is the early sales art for the sequel to last…

Post Thumb: /feb13/nest3ds.jpg If you watched Bait 3D, then you know that director Kimble Rendall knows how to take advantage…