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Post Thumb: /apr12/l4ds.jpg The latest episode of The Doomgoryum Report web show introduces us to a fan-made vault classic based…

Post Thumb: /feb12/toyfair12.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca1x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca2x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca3x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca4x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca5x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca6x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca7x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca8x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca9x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca10x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca11x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca12x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca13x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca14x’, ‘/gallery/toyfair12/neca15x’,…

Post Thumb: /jan12/boomerthumb.jpg IT’S TOY FAIR TIME! Well, not really, but we are starting now anyway because we’re rebels. When…

Post Thumb: /dec11/l4ds.jpg We’ve been sitting on this one for a couple of weeks because it’s the perfect way to…

Check it out, PC and 360 darlings. Valve is not quite done with the Left 4 Dead franchise and neither…

If there is one man who created an entire subgenre for horror fans, it is the legendary George A. Romero.…

Oh my gah, you guys … the much anticipated Left 4 Dead 2 DLC, “The Passing”, will FINALLY be available…

After years of pissing and moaning (mostly from me), today Valve announced it will FINALLY bring gaming engines Steam and…

Zoey, Francis, Bill, and Louis are about to meet up with Coach, Ellis, Nick, and Rochelle by way of an…