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Uncategorized November 20, 2009
The zombie horde is back and in full effect, and four more survivors have risen from the carnage to help…
November 20, 2009
Reviewed by Coach Available for the Xbox 360 (reviewed here) and PC Distributed by Valve Software and EA Games The…
Uncategorized November 17, 2009
What with Left 4 Dead 2 now on store shelves and taking up the majority of our free time, have…
Uncategorized August 6, 2009
Valve Software announced yesterday that a new DLC pack for the original Left 4 Dead is due in September. ‘Crash…
Uncategorized June 18, 2009
Since the announcement of Left 4 Dead 2 fans have been in a bit of an uproar, and understandably so.…
June 1, 2009
Fresh out of the Microsoft E3 press conference comes the news that last years best horror game is going to…
March 5, 2009
As you well know, the best damned zombie game on the planet is getting an upgrade soon in the form…
Uncategorized February 6, 2009
It’s no secret my favorite game of the past year is without question Left 4 Dead. Lots of folks have…
December 8, 2008
Reviewed by Francis Available for the Xbox 360 (reviewed here) and PC Distributed by Valve Software and EA Games The…
November 24, 2008
There’s no question Left 4 Dead is my candidate for Game of the Year. It provides hours of zombie-killing mayhem…
November 13, 2008
More video has surfaced from the video game that I can honestly say is my most anticipated of the year,…
November 11, 2008
For a lucky few of you, tomorrow is a good day to be dead; that’s when Valve releases their public…