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Post Thumb: /jul11/battleships.jpg With Battleship hitting theatres this weekend, we figured it was as good a time as any to…

Post Thumb: /jul11/battleships.jpg As Foy mentioned in his last box office report, Battleship is kicking copious amounts of ass overseas,…

Post Thumb: /jul11/battleships.jpg Another new Battleship featurette has crash-landed on the Internet, and this one focuses on Goldilocks Planet along…

Post Thumb: /jul11/battleships.jpg With Battleship‘s premiere just about a month away, we’ve gotten our hands on two featurettes for the…

Post Thumb: /jul11/battleships.jpg There are so many things that ought to be wrong with Battleship, but despite them all, we…

Source Name: The IMP Awards Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/battleships.jpg Every time we see anything from the upcoming flick…

Post Thumb: /jul11/battleships.jpg Per usual, during yesterday’s Super Bowl broadcast a number of new trailers and commercial were aired, including…

Post Thumb: /sep11/greys.jpg In Joe Carnahan’s survivalist thriller The Grey, Joe Anderson plays loudmouth oil rigger Todd Flannery, who always…

Post Thumb: /sep11/greys.jpg Time to go behind-the-scenes of this weekend’s toothy entry into the survival horror subgenre, The Grey. We…