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Post Thumb: /studios/dimension.jpg The film that started out being called Kristy and then changed to Satanic and then to Random…

Post Thumb: /apr13/wolves-poster.jpg Just in time for Cannes comes the first official artwork for David Hayter’s Wolves that some may…

Post Thumb: /mar13/crush-blu-rays.jpg Gather round, my fellow psychos. The official trailer for Crush is here, and we need you to…

Post Thumb: /mar13/crush-blu-rays.jpg Crushes can really be harsh, man. One person’s obsession can lead to all sorts of nasty outcomes…

Post Thumb: /dec12/stokes.jpg A new featurette has made its way online in promotion of Fox Searchlight’s Stoker, and given that…

Source Name: Vulture Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec12/stokes.jpg Vulture has landed the new clip from Fox Searchlight’s Stoker, and…

Post Thumb: /dec12/stokes.jpg Time for clip number two from Fox Searchlight’s Stoker, and this one comes complete with a sheriff…

Post Thumb: /dec12/stokes.jpg Just when we thought the day couldn’t get any stranger, a new clip from Fox Searchlight’s Stoker…

Post Thumb: /jan13/downersgroves.jpg Two more have signed up for active duty in the new flick to be directed by Derek…

Source Name: EW Source Url: Post Thumb: /studios/dimension.jpg A film that started out being called Kristy and then changed…

Post Thumb: /dec12/stokes.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb1x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb2x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb3x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb4x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb5x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb6x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb7x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb8x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb9x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb10x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb11x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb12x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb13x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb14x’, ‘/gallery/stoker/stokerb15x’,…