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Post Thumb: /jun13/sixfingerss.jpg Actress Lynn Lowry has joined the cast of Sam Qualiana’s upcoming found footage monster movie The Legend…

Post Thumb: /oct12/grimbecomings.jpg DefTone Pictures Studios’ A Grim Becoming started principal photography on June 1st, and they sent over a…

Post Thumb: /oct12/grimbecomings.jpg As promised when we did our last story on the film, a teaser trailer has now arrived…

Post Thumb: /oct12/grimbecomings.jpg In mid-May the teaser trailer for Adam R. Steigert’s horror comedy A Grim Becoming will be dropping,…

Post Thumb: /oct12/grimbecomings.jpg A Grim Becoming, a new film from Adam R. Steigert that we’ve been keeping our eyes on,…

Post Thumb: /oct12/grimbecomings.jpg A boatload of casting news and an early still have arrived for DefTone Pictures Studios’ upcoming horror-comedy…

Post Thumb: /dec12/ditchs.jpg The first teaser trailer for Joe Hendrick’s shockfest Ditch has arrived along with a few new stills.…

Source Name: The Ditch Online Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec12/ditchs.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/ditch/ditch1x’, ‘/gallery/ditch/ditch2x’, ‘/gallery/ditch/ditch3x’, ‘/gallery/ditch/ditch4x’, ‘/gallery/ditch/ditch5x’, ‘/gallery/ditch/ditch6x’ If…

Source Name: Screen Daily Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct11/tc.jpg Dante Tomaselli’s long awaited chiller Torture Chamber has landed itself…

Post Thumb: /oct11/tc.jpg On tap right now are two new one-sheets for Dante Tomaselli’s long awaited chiller Torture Chamber. Yeah,…

Post Thumb: /jan12/ombisthumb.jpg A bit of casting news has come in for DefTone Pictures Studios’ upcoming feature film Ombis along…