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The last time we mentioned the upcoming Mary Shelley biography film starring Elle Fanning was when we shared your first…

The trailer for Josh Boone’s The New Mutants has arrived and it’s taking the X-Men series into a very dark…

Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” actor Henry Zaga has joined on to Josh Boone’s New Mutants in the role of Sunspot,…

Ever since we told you that New MutantsĀ is gonna be a full-on horror story, we’ve been buzzing. Today Variety has…

The X-Men universe is known for being bombastic, exciting, and full of incredible superpowers. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s…

Carrie Ryan’s evocatively titled horror novel The Forest of Hands and Teeth shot to the top of the charts as…

We recently learned that Cinedigm acquired all North American rights to The Falling, the latest from writer/director Carol Morley (Dreams…

Not entirely sure just how Dread-worthy this one will turn out to be, but just in case we have some…

Naughty Dog writer Neil Druckmann is typing away on his script for the feature film adaptation of his video game…

It’s been awhile since last we heard anything regarding the Sam Raimi-produced feature film adaptation of the incredible video game…