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Uncategorized August 19, 2011
Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/chosens.jpg Chosen to remake every movie. Chosen to wear orange. Chosen to…
Uncategorized August 19, 2011
Post Thumb: /aug11/conanthumb.jpg Marcus Nispel’s reboot of the Conan the Barbarian franchise comes out in theaters this weekend, and of…
Uncategorized August 18, 2011
Post Thumb: /aug11/conanthumb.jpg Our exclusive video interview series for Marcus Nispel’s Conan the Barbarian 3D comes to an end today,…
Uncategorized August 18, 2011
Post Thumb: /aug11/conanthumb.jpg Conan. What is best in life? To star in the remakes. See lens flares driven before you.…
August 17, 2011
Cover art: reviews2/conan.jpg Starring Jason Momoa, Stephen Lang, Rose McGowan, Rachel Nichols, Ron Perlman, Leo Howard Directed by Marcus Nispel…
Uncategorized August 17, 2011
Post Thumb: /aug11/conanthumb.jpg Our video interview series for Marcus Nispel’s Conan the Barbarian continues today with the star of the…
Uncategorized August 16, 2011
Post Thumb: /aug11/conanthumb.jpg In the upcoming Conan the Barbarian, actress and action veteran Rachel Nichols (Star Trek, GI Joe) portrays…
Uncategorized August 15, 2011
Post Thumb: /aug11/conanthumb.jpg For Marcus Nispel’s latest project, Conan the Barbarian, the director decided to approach this reimagining a bit…
Uncategorized June 14, 2011
Post Thumb: /jun11/backmasks.jpg Voltage Pictures today released some early artwork for director Marcus Nispel’s latest horror flick Backmask, and as…
Uncategorized May 5, 2011
Post Thumb: /may11/mnis.jpg He tackled The Texas Chainsaw Masscare. He bungled Friday the 13th. He’s treading more sacred ground with…
Uncategorized November 5, 2009
Yeah, not really horror, we know, but Conan has been known to fight monsters, giant creatures, zombies, ghosts, witches, etc.…
June 11, 2009
Reviewed by Uncle Creepy Starring Jared Padalecki, Amanda Righetti, Derek Mears, Danielle Panabaker Directed by Marcus Nispel Distributed by New…