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James Foley's psychological thriller FEAR with Mark Wahlberg, Reese Witherspoon, William Petersen, and Alyssa Milano was released in 1996.

The first full-length animated Scooby-Doo adventure for the big screen, Scoob!, is the never-before-told stories of Scooby-Doo’s origins and the…

Do you remember back in the 90’s when Mark Wahlberg was a rapper and Reese Witherspoon was an unknown actress?…

Some quick news is coming in via the Tracking Board as they’re reporting that Patrick Hughes (The Hitman’s Bodyguard) has…

If you’re going to break into someone’s house, it’s probably wise that you don’t choose Mark Wahlberg’s. Why, you ask?…

Source Name: MovieHole Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul12/neuros.jpg Things are looking extremely up for Vincenzo Natali’s big screen adaptation…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/crow.jpg Adaptations of the James O’Barr graphic novel The Crow…

While doing press for his upcoming film The Fighter, actor Mark Wahlberg has finally commented on his amusing role as…

File this one under, “You’re kidding, right?” for now, kids! A new rumor surrounding musician Nick Cave’s re-imagining of the…

Reviewed by Uncle Creepy Starring Mark Walhberg, Rachel Weisz, Saoirse Ronan, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci Directed by Peter Jackson Distributed…