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Uncategorized January 4, 2011
Let Me In pulled off the near impossible by being one of the better remakes that absolutely no one had…
November 22, 2010
One of this year’s better remakes will hopefully be one of next year’s best Blu-rays and DVDs. Matt Reeves’ Let…
Uncategorized November 1, 2010
Every now and again you’ll see a deleted scene from a movie and wonder to yourself, “Why in the world…
Uncategorized October 2, 2010
Still on the fence about whether or not to see Let Me In this weekend? Well, the film’s new red…
Uncategorized October 1, 2010
The haunting Let the Right One In (review) was hailed by critics and fans alike so expectations are high for…
Uncategorized September 24, 2010
Another chilly bit of artwork for Matt Reeves’ Let Me In was released today by Overture Films and as per…
September 23, 2010
Looking forward to Matt Reeves’ upcoming remake of Let the Right One In, titled simply Let Me In? Good! You…
Uncategorized September 14, 2010
You want clips from Matt Reeves’ surprisingly well reviewed remake of Let the Right One in, titled simply Let Me…
Uncategorized September 13, 2010
Can’t get enough coverage of Matt Reeves’ surprisingly well reviewed remake of Let the Right One in, titled simply Let…
Uncategorized September 13, 2010
With the Toronto International Film Festival 2010 now in full swing, you can expect many reviews for some big horror…
September 12, 2010
Let Me In is such a respectable remake it’s a shame that only viewers who are fans of the original…
Uncategorized September 10, 2010
In our never ending quest to get you guys as much cool shit as possible, and get it to you…