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October 12, 2015
More casting news is coming in for War for the Planet of the Apes as Variety is now reporting that…
September 15, 2015
Matt Reeves returns to direct the upcoming War for the Planet of the Apes, and the film is shooting for…
August 24, 2015
Fox is in need of a hit. With both the second Hitman and fourth Fantastic Four films tanking at the…
May 14, 2015
If there’s one thing Fox has done right over the last several years, it’s how it’s treated the Planet of…
January 6, 2015
With all the effects work, both practical and CG, that goes into creating a new Planet of the Apes film…
November 21, 2014
No, that’s not the title of the next movie in the new Planet of the Apes franchise, but in retrospect……
September 30, 2014
Fox’s extremely kick-ass sequel to their surprise hit Rise of the Planet of the Apes, entitled Dawn of the Planet…
July 5, 2014
Post Thumb: /may13/dawn-apes-logo-s.jpg We’ve seen tensions rise and attempts being made to avoid it, but in this latest TV spot…
Caesar, the leader of the apes rides a top a black horse his face is stern and covered in war paint, crudely painted rib bones are streaked across his chest.
July 4, 2014
In case yesterday’s special #FourthOfApes teaser for “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” wasn’t enough to get you in…
July 3, 2014
Post Thumb: /may13/dawn-apes-logo-s.jpg Things are looking pretty grim for the good ol’ US of A in this new teaser for…
July 3, 2014
Post Thumb: /may13/dawn-apes-logo-s.jpg With tomorrow being July 4th, we’re looking at today like it’s Friday, and what better way to…
July 1, 2014
Post Thumb: /may13/dawn-apes-logo-s.jpg The hype wheel for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes continues to steamroll the internet, and…