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Director Matty Beckerman’s upcoming sorority slasher The Row hits select theaters and On Demand on Friday, July 27th, from Lionsgate. And today…

Director Matty Beckerman’s upcoming sorority slasher The Row hits select theaters and On Demand on Friday, July 27 from Lionsgate.…

Cover art: reviews/alien-abduction-poster-s.jpg Starring Katherine Sigismund, Corey Eid, Riley Polanski, Jillian Clare, Jeff Bowser, Peter Holden Directed by Matty Beckerman…

Post Thumb: /mar14/alien-abduction-poster-s.jpg Matty Beckerman’s extraterrestrial thriller Alien Abduction has landed on VOD and in limited theatrical release via IFC…

Post Thumb: /mar14/alien-abduction-poster-s.jpg Matty Beckerman’s unsettling extraterrestrial thriller, Alien Abduction, will be landing on VOD and in limited theatrical release…

Post Thumb: /mar14/alien-abduction-poster-s.jpg Formerly titled Project Blue Book, Matty Beckerman’s found footage alien invasion flick Alien Abduction is set for…