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Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /studios/universal.jpg Another three actors have jumped aboard Joe Johnston’s new flick for…

Source Name: Variety Source Url:|News|LatestNews Post Thumb: /studios/universal.jpg Some quick casting news coming in for Captain America director Joe…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg A 3D movie about invisible aliens? How could that have not been a runaway blockbuster? Not to…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg Looking to spend your holiday week by taking in a quality alien invasion flick? We’ve got the…

Cover art: /reviews/dh.jpg Starring Emile Hirsch, Rachael Taylor, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella, Joel Kinnamana Directed by Chris Gorak Have you…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg Ever watch a TV news show and wish one of the reporters would get taken out by…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg A week from this Sunday The Darkest Hour arrives on planet Earth so Summit Entertainment is making…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg So there we were going through the usual Friday motions of pressing our white leisure suits and…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg Wondering what the hell you’re going to do Christmas afternoon once all the presents are open and…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb1x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb2x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb3x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb4x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb5x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb6x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb7x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb8x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb9x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb10x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb11x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb12x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb13x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb14x’, ‘/gallery/darkesthour/darkesthourb15x’,…