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Post Thumb: /nov13/wayward-pines.jpg Was yesterday’s trailer for Fox’s upcoming event series “Wayward Pines” just not enough for you? Then how…
Post Thumb: /nov13/wayward-pines.jpg We learned this morning that we have to wait until sometime next year to see Fox’s “Wayward…
Source Name: TV Guide Source Url: Post Thumb: /nov13/wayward-pines.jpg It’s been awhile since we’ve gotten an update on Fox’s…
Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url: Post Thumb: /nov13/wayward-pines.jpg Does the “Wayward Pines” combination of the name “M. Night…
Post Thumb: /nov12/prisonerss.jpg The above headline may sound like a bad thing, but it’s actually a really good thing. Because…
Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /nov13/wayward-pines.jpg Oh, look! It’s a news story that has nothing…
Cover art: news/jul13/prisoners-poster.jpg Starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Terrence Howard, Viola Davis, Maria Bello, Melissa Leo Directed by…