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Post Thumb: /jun11/q2t.jpg Any fans out there chomping at the bit to catch Sony’s upcoming direct-to-video sequel, Quarantine 2: Terminal…

Post Thumb: /jun11/q2t.jpg Just in time for its limited theatrical release this weekend, we’ve gotten a chance to dig on…

Starring Mercedes Masohn, Josh Cooke, Bre Blair, Mattie Liptak Directed by John Pogue When the original Quarantine came out, people…

Post Thumb: /jun11/q2t.jpg Finally some official artwork has come our way for Quarantine 2: Terminal, which makes its theatrical debut…

Post Thumb: /jun11/q2t.jpg In a surprise move it turns out that Quarantine 2: Terminal will be headed to the big…

With “True Blood” chugging along quite nicely toward the end of its Season Three run, it seems Alan Ball has…

Quarantine was a fairly faithful Americanized adaptation of the Spanish horror hit [REC], aside from the drawn out intro at…