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April 30, 2019
April 26th may have been Alien Day, but April 27th was the 22nd Anniversary of Mick Garris’s The Shining miniseries.…
April 26, 2019
Mick Garris is one of the most prominent names in horror history. He is a prolific writer, prolific director, and…
April 24, 2019
This June, theaters become the grounds for terror when Nightmare Cinema splashes across the silver screen! The anthology horror film…
April 9, 2019
Welcome back, kiddies! It’s time for season 6(66), the only one to premiere on HALLOWEEN NIGHT! You pair that with…
April 2, 2019
When I was invited to take an advanced walkthrough of the I Like Scary Movies immersive experience last week, I…
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February 13, 2019
How can one of the friendliest smiles be attached to one of the darkest minds? After speaking with Sandra Becerril…
July 13, 2018
“More blood! Give me more blood!” –Director Ryuhei Kitamura Director and writer Ryuhei Kitamura reveals how his ten-year friendship with…
July 13, 2018
Starring Mickey Rourke, Richard Chamberlain, Adam Godley, Orson Chaplin, Eric Nelsen Written by Sandra Becerril, Alejandro Brugués, Lawrence C. Connolly,…
July 12, 2018
“I had that story for about 17 years.” -David Slade Producer, director and writer David Slade takes us through the…
July 11, 2018
We speak with director, producer, editor and actor Joe Dante as he describes the longtime friendshipthat helped spawn Nightmare Cinema.…
July 10, 2018
Would you enter an empty Rialto theater that’s showing a movie you’ve never heard of – a movie that’s starring…