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Buenos dias, tontos! Look, occasionally, we all make mistakes. Sometimes you leave the oven on when you leave the house.…

Screen Media unleashes first-time writer-director Chad Faust’s Girl with Bella Thorne and Mickey Rourke later this month. And today we have a…

Screen Media unleashes first-time writer-director Chad Faust’s Girl with Bella Thorne and Mickey Rourke in November. And today we have the…

Mickey Rourke has joined Taye Diggs (The Way of the Gun) and Jessica Uberuaga (The Fanatic) in first-time director Isaac…

Screen Media, a Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment company, announced today the acquisition of all US rights to Chad Faust’s feature…

Screen Media has snagged up the U.S. rights to first-time writer-director Chad Faust’s revenge thriller Girl with Bella Thorne and…

World War II horror movie Warhunt with Mickey Rourke (Sin City), Robert Knepper (Prison Break), and Jackson Rathbone (Twilight) has…

I Spit on Your Grave (2010) writer-director Steven R. Monroe’s new flick Cursed has just snagged its cast in the…

Starring Mickey Rourke, Richard Chamberlain, Adam Godley Written by Sandra Becerril, Alejandro Brugués, Lawrence C. Connolly, Mick Garris, Richard Christian…

Coming to limited theaters and On-Demand on June 21 is the anthology horror film Nightmare Cinema, which boasts the incredible…