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February 18, 2019
Rodan has always been a popular kaiju, even if he’s not always the most intimidating. Of course, the version of…
February 13, 2019
We know from the prequel comic to 2014’s Godzilla (Godzilla: Awakening) that the iconic “Titan” has been around for millions…
February 3, 2019
Considering Godzilla: King of the Monsters is still the best part of five months away, there will be plenty of…
February 1, 2019
In May, Godzilla will go face-to-face against Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah in a battle for supremacy in Godzilla: King…
January 26, 2019
The most recent details regarding Godzilla: King of the Monsters is coming from the Japanese publication Tamashii J.P., which have…
January 17, 2019
Are we really venturing into spoiler territory? Not really. I mean, it’s not like we’ve identified the mystery kaiju or…
December 11, 2018
It may have hit the internet 24 hours later than we all expected, but the second trailer for Michael Dougherty’s…
December 10, 2018
We expected it to hit the internet yesterday; but while the second trailer for Godzilla: King of the Monsters indeed…
December 8, 2018
First, Rodan emerged from an erupting volcano; then Mothra emitted her atomic scream. Today, King Ghidroah rears his mighty heads…
December 7, 2018
Yesterday, we shared a teaser for Godzilla: King on the Monsters (via Monarch Sciences’ Twitter account) that gave out a…
December 5, 2018
While folks who attended Tokyo Comic-Con this past weekend were treated to some exclusive content from Godzilla: King of the…
December 1, 2018
Just to be crystal clear, this is not full-trailer we’re expecting to see next week for Godzilla: King of the…