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December 23, 2015
Ready for another quick promo for “Teen Wolf’s” return on January 5th?  We have a new one for you right…
December 9, 2015
“Teen Wolf” Season 5 – Part 2 (or Season 5B) kicks off on Tuesday, January 5, 2016; and to help…
November 23, 2015
“Teen Wolf” Season 5 – Part 2 (or Season 5B as some are calling it) kicks off on Tuesday, January…
November 6, 2015
It’s common for TV shows to swap showrunners between seasons, and MTV’s “Scream” is the latest to do just that.…
October 9, 2015
With “Teen Wolf’s” New York Comic Con presentation taking place today, fans were no doubt checking their social media accounts…
July 29, 2015
We’re a bit on the fence about MTV’s “Scream” – parts of it are fun while others are just tedious. …
July 10, 2015
The first 8 minutes of MTV’s “Scream” premiere were pretty solid, as the opening sequence was essentially an homage to…
July 9, 2015
MTV announced today to a packed room of screaming fans during San Diego Comic-Con that its hit supernatural drama series…
July 6, 2015
A new promo has arrived to remind you about tomorrow night’s Episode 1.02 of “Scream,” entitled “Hello, Emma,” touting that…
July 2, 2015
You should be caught up by now on MTV’s “Scream” (if you’re not, you can watch the first episode here),…
July 1, 2015
Did you happen to catch last night’s premiere of “Scream” on MTV?  We did and had a fun time with…
June 30, 2015
So, “Scream” Episode 1.01, “Red Roses,” just ended on the East Coast (we West Coasters have a few more hours…